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Love your Parents the most
Asalam o Alaikum!
We all opened our eyes in the laps of the two people who love us endlessly. Of course, I'm talking about our Parents. Parents are the biggest blessing Allah Almighty has blessed us with. Whether we are brown or white people, whether we live in Asia, America or Africa, our parents have a beautiful characteristic in common. They love us without demanding anything in return. We are grown ups today, we are able to make our own decisions, we are able to differentiate from good to bad and most importantly, we are able to recite the holy name of Allah Almighty. What else is a bigger blessing than having parents who teach everything to their children and guide them at each stage of their life.

Our parents have sacrificed many precious things like their careers and opportunities of better growth for making us who we are today. As their children, we should always take care of them, to show them that we do care and acknowledge all their efforts for raising us in a beautiful way. Life is different today. The things which hold a great importance today were never common some decades ago. Its easy to call it the Generation Gap and it holds great differences in the way of thinking and living between our parent's and our's generations. Here are 10 incredible ways which can make our parents feel special and loved. Lets go and check these out.
1. Cook them their favorite meals:
Your mom has always been there for you to cook you your favorite meals. Its your time now. You can cook good if you're a girl but it isn't even impossible if you're a boy too. Just go to google, type the meals name and a hundred different recipes of your parents favorite meal will pop up on your screen. Cook it and make our parents feel worthy.
2. Arrange their wardrobes:
Your parents were always their to make your wardrobes up to date and clean it every time it was messed. Its your time now. You don't need to ask, just rush in their room and organize their wardrobes with a little aesthetic sense. Moreover, you can also surprise them my getting them new clothes in their wardrobes too.
3. Home therapies:
We all are staying at our places due t quarantine right now. But lets help our parents feel a little therapeutic. You can arrange therapies like shoulder message, manicure and pedicure for your parents. Don't feel like how could you do it. One simple is get yourself some hot water in a water tub, add a little bit of shampoo along with lemon drops in it and voila! Here's a simple pedicure treatment for your parents.
4. Surprises:
Remember you made cute little cards for your parents in your childhood. You gifted the cards to your parents and they always loved it.
Whats up for now? Still you can surprise them by getting their beautiful pictures framed for your house walls. Just imagine a big portrait of your mom and dad hung on your living room's wall just giving it a feel like the one in "Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham" Its gonna give a real aesthetic sense to your living room.
5. Be their trend alert:
World is always undergoing a constant change, whether its dressing sense, living trends or digital devices. We are moving through a constant change of up gradation. You can act like a trend alerter for your parents by introducing them with new trends of society. For instance, you can get your mom know the latest trend coming up in fashion and textile or groom your dad about the sense of what is hashtag on Social Media.
6. Arrange them charming meetups:
Its always cool hanging out with your friends. Of course, a little meetup never hurts. Same goes with your parents. Why don't you plan a charming tea party at your lawn or a dinner party near a beautiful fountain for your parents and their friends. Its always a beautiful thing in refreshing up your parents old memories. Let it be a meetup for now.
7. Listen to your parents:
I remember, my mom was always there for me when I got back from my school and she listened to every bit of my word getting our from my mouth. Time has changed. Its kinda reverse case. Now, why cant I hear my mom when she tells me something amazing from her daily chores. Go a head, nothing goes wrong in sparing your parents a little time from your highly busy routine.
8. Share your memories:
Every kid remembers their beautiful memories with their parents. Just to go them and share your past times spent with them. Trust me, it will really surprise them that you still remember their worthy acts from your past.Sharing your childhood memories will rush a huge of wave of love and affection in their hearts for you.
9. Groom your personality:
Nothing makes any parent more happy than seeing their own child progressing and growing in life. Try to groom your self constantly, make yourself beautiful in both physical and mental ways. Your parents one biggest wish is seeing you a better person than you currently our. Work on yourself so that your parents may feel proud of you day by day.
10. Your respect is your parents respect:
Wherever you move in society, you always carry a part of your parents respect and reputation with you. Same goes with your parents. Wherever they go, they carry a part of your respect and reputation in society. Always take care of your respect wherever you go because it is linked to your parents reputation and standing in society. Always try to make your parents proud by working hard and earning success.
That's all for now. Do leave me a comment and tell me the one way which you use to make your parents proud. Plus, do let me know what more blogs do you expect from "SI Creationx" to come up. Let's talk in the comments below. See you till the nest time. Stay happy and safe with your loved ones.
Allah Hafiz
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