According to the report, Virat Kohli earned Rs 252.72 crores last year. The India batting mainstay’s total net worth is reportedly around Rs 900 crores. Anushka, on the other hand, earned Rs 28.67 crores in 2019. She has a reported net worth of Rs 350 crores. Thus, together Kohli and Anushka have a net worth of more than Rs 1,200 crore.
As far as the source of earning is concerned, Kohli earns from his engagement in the game and endorsement. His retainer fee for being a part of the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League (IPL) is Rs 17 crores. This makes him the highest-paid player in the IPL. Additionally, his annual salary from BCCI is Rs 7 crores.
He earns his major share of money from a whole bunch of endorsement deals. He endorses brands such as Myntra, Uber, Audi, MRF, Manyavar and Tissot among others. One8, a brand he co-created with Puma, has already crossed the Rs 100-crore revenue mark. Kohli also owns two restaurants.
Anushka, on the other hand, charges about Rs 12-15 crores for each film and so far, she has done about nineteen films. She also has her own production house called Clean Slate Films, which she launched in 2014 with her brother. The actress also endorses brands such as Manyavar, Myntra, Shyam Steel, Rajnigandha, Lavie, Cox N Kings, Nivea, Pantene, Standard Chartered Bank, Google Pixel, Elle 18 and Pantene among others. The actress also owns her own fashion label called Nush.
Virushka are also the owners of some very expensive real estate properties. After tying the knot in 2017, the two moved into their lavish home in Mumbai’s Worli neighborhood. Their home costs Rs 34 crores and is located in the Omkar 1973 building in Tower C. Kohli and Anushka also reportedly own property in Gurgaon worth ₹80 crore.
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As far as the source of earning is concerned, Kohli earns from his engagement in the game and endorsement. His retainer fee for being a part of the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League (IPL) is Rs 17 crores. This makes him the highest-paid player in the IPL. Additionally, his annual salary from BCCI is Rs 7 crores.
He earns his major share of money from a whole bunch of endorsement deals. He endorses brands such as Myntra, Uber, Audi, MRF, Manyavar and Tissot among others. One8, a brand he co-created with Puma, has already crossed the Rs 100-crore revenue mark. Kohli also owns two restaurants.
Anushka, on the other hand, charges about Rs 12-15 crores for each film and so far, she has done about nineteen films. She also has her own production house called Clean Slate Films, which she launched in 2014 with her brother. The actress also endorses brands such as Manyavar, Myntra, Shyam Steel, Rajnigandha, Lavie, Cox N Kings, Nivea, Pantene, Standard Chartered Bank, Google Pixel, Elle 18 and Pantene among others. The actress also owns her own fashion label called Nush.
Virushka are also the owners of some very expensive real estate properties. After tying the knot in 2017, the two moved into their lavish home in Mumbai’s Worli neighborhood. Their home costs Rs 34 crores and is located in the Omkar 1973 building in Tower C. Kohli and Anushka also reportedly own property in Gurgaon worth ₹80 crore.
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