In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful.
Asalam o Alaikum and very warm greetings to all my viewers. Topic for today is Kindness and Compassion. Kindness and Compassion are currently serving as need of an hour for our global community.
Kindness is the the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It occupies an extremely important place in our lives. It's the core root for building strong relationships with our loved ones.
Kindness is always rewarded. Kindness is a quality for which we Muslims will be rewarded by Allah Almighty. Examples exist when Muslims with good deeds are rewarded by Allah Almighty. We admire pious people and think how peaceful they are. The reason is kindness. The one who helps the people of Allah is rewarded in the most magnificent way, not only in this world but in the world hereafter.
It was narrated from ‘Aishah, the Mother of the Believers, that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“The most quickly rewarded of good deeds are kindness and upholding the ties of kinship, and the most quickly punished evil deeds are injustice and severing the ties of kinship.”
Some of us may feel that kindness doesn't works today because people can cheat and grab our rights using their cunning nature but in real these are the moments to showcase our kindness and expect reward only from Allah. The only thing which counts is having our faith in Allah Almighty that all our deeds are for Allah and He is the only rewarder who will bless us with Jannah.
In Sha Allah!
“The most quickly rewarded of good deeds are kindness and upholding the ties of kinship, and the most quickly punished evil deeds are injustice and severing the ties of kinship.”
Some of us may feel that kindness doesn't works today because people can cheat and grab our rights using their cunning nature but in real these are the moments to showcase our kindness and expect reward only from Allah. The only thing which counts is having our faith in Allah Almighty that all our deeds are for Allah and He is the only rewarder who will bless us with Jannah.
In Sha Allah!

Silence is a trait which closely relates to peace. Silence is observed when feelings aren't able to be defined into words.
Silence is a milestone when practiced in relationships. Silence is a precious gem when adopted in anger. Silence is an expression which portrays the intellect. Silence is a seed which turns into fruit in future. Silence is a quality which teaches maturity. Silence is the quality exhibited by leaders. Silence is an expression which results in realization.
A sentence which occupies all these characteristics is:
Silence is a trait which Islam teaches us.
In short, we can say that Islam is a religion of peace and beauty and the teachings described above are here to prove it. Patience brings silence and Narrated Samurah ibn Jundub:
The Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم named our cavalry the Cavalry of Allah, when we were struck with panic, and when panic overtook us, the Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم commanded us to be united, to have patience and perseverance; and to be so when we fought.
The Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم named our cavalry the Cavalry of Allah, when we were struck with panic, and when panic overtook us, the Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم commanded us to be united, to have patience and perseverance; and to be so when we fought.
Happiness & Sacrifice:
Islam is a religion which promotes peace, love, faith and kindness in its real terms and meanings. Islam is a religion of peace and teaches silence. Indeed silence is a form of kindness. The world's only in shape due to presence of kindness and compassion. Every little spark of kindness which ignites in the heart of Allah's creation brings smiles on the faces of Allah's people. Kindness is a major factor which will help Muslims to enter the Jannah on the day of Judgement and this is the element which makes us all stay kind. People click pictures with a camera and create their memories. Acts of kindness are also like pictures. The difference is only that these pictures are clicked by heart instead of camera
Happiness doesn't demands luxuries in life. What it demands is peace of heart and mind. Happiness demands sacrifice with pure will. Sacrifice is one of the hardest things we encounter in our lives. They demand patience but bring peace in hearts of our loved ones.
Consider your parents who make countless sacrifices but some sacrifices become source of great wisdom. We can't comprehend the wisdom behind these sacrifices but that's what our Lord has written for us. We have got to do believe in our Lord and stay patient on His will.

That's what we're taught in Islam. We have great examples of our Prophet (PBUH) when He (PBUH) kept His patience high and put all His trust in Allah Almighty. He (PBUH) excused all his foes who harmed Him mentally and physically and portrayed a magnificent image of peace, brotherhood and immense forgiveness in this world.
We as Muslims have the prime responsibility to follow the teachings of Islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH). For instance, there's a lesson for us in current time. To not troll anyone on social media, not speaking foul (abusive language) about anyone and considering the pros and cons of every word before we spill it out from our mouth. We don't need to aim for something with extremely high standards in the name of kindness. But we need to adopt kindness in our each and every small affair of daily life.
Reward of Kindness:
Kindness isn't just a deed, it's a lifetime experience. People don't experience it only in this world but also in the world which awaits us.
Let's talk about one thing trending now a days. I witnessed many people telling that "I got betrayed by people whom I thought were near to me. I did good to them and that's how they're returning me my good will". I know it hurts to see those forgetful people whom we once regarded our friends and trusted them with everything. But trust me, never ever give up your good nature and precious deeds due to all bad stuff performed by your fake friends. We may feel partial about our good deeds for that person? The answer is: "Those good deeds are reserved by Allah Almighty for a suitable time or for the day of Judgement. Indeed Allah Almighty is the best planner. Trust Allah Almighty more than anyone else because He (SWT) is the greatest rewarder"
One more thing I'll like to add in here, do seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty for your every single deed which you think may have hurt anyone around you (even a kid). We put a question mark on everything which goes against us. We should also put a question mark on our deeds and seek forgiveness for our hurtful mistakes. It's extremely remarkable to care about our DUTIES along with the extreme care we do for our RIGHTS.
It's a helpful tip for creating a balance in our lives and societies. And most importantly it's kindness towards ourselves. All of above a thing to be kept in mind is that it will be our kindness and repentance which will pave our way towards Jannah on the final day of Judgement.
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"Kindness in words creates confidence
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness"
Kindness blossoms the flowers of humanity for mankind. It never goes wasted. In fact its a real asset. An asset which works wonders for true gems.
Kindness is the quality of people who prefer helping others over their own mean. World may recognize us as a crzay person who doesn't knows how to extract one's benefit but the truth is that these are the people who will be rewarded.
In Sha Allah!
Once a thief was passing through a forest. He saw a thirsty animal on his way. He took off one of his shoes, filled it with water and fed it to the animal. All his sins were removed by Allah Almighty and he was granted a rank in Jannah due to this act of kindness.
Let's close this cute series on Kindness and Compassion with a true note on happiness.
Life teaches us a whole lot of lessons at different stages but what stays with us in all these stages is our kindness and positive attitude. Being kind with Allah Almighty's creation is like being kind with one's own self.
"May Allah Almighty grant us the wisdom for staying on the right path and may we be able to showcase our kindness for all the creation of Allah Almighty at every time of need...."
"May Allah Almighty grant us the wisdom for staying on the right path and may we be able to showcase our kindness for all the creation of Allah Almighty at every time of need...."
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